Friday, November 14, 2008

going under water

Was reading the paper today and saw an article regarding Maldives' attempt for an insurance policy against climate change. A sovereign wealth fund (SWF) as they call it about investing the nation's money for land to relocate its citizens in the future. The country is one of a handful that is being threatened of its existence due to global warming and rising sea levels.

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As ambitious as it may sound, they are planning to divert billion of dollars from tourism revenue to buy land for the people to live in in the future. It is a stark reality that global warming imposes to this low-lying island in the Indian Ocean that in 100 years, with the current rate of rising sea levels, the entire archipelago will be totally submerged as what studies have said, living its people homeless and potential refugees. I guess this is the best way they could think of for now as a long-term solution to the burgeoning probability of losing their own country. The saddest part is that, it is being left to fend for itself when the country didn't even have much of a key role on climate change in the first place. It is just another victim of global warming caused by rich nations.

Sad, but true.
This is really some kind of a wake-up call for everyone that climate change is something sensible and destructive awaiting to happen. I mean it is already happening. But as much as it is already right infront of our doorsteps, we could still overturn it, before we have to suffer with the ill-consequences that treads with it. We can think of anything to help even in our own little way right? Say increasing your aircon temp to 25 instead of fullblasting it to the lowest. Or reusing your shopping bag. Or what about planting a tree? The point is, we know what to do but we lack the initiative to do it because currently we don't 'see' the obvious effects of global warming.

Plus, I still want to go to the Maldives in the future ok? And laze on its gorgeous beaches! So seriously, don't let it happen.hehe

Anyways potential countries where they could buy land are Sri Lanka and India as both countries share quite similar culture, cuisine & tradition as that of Maldives and Australia due to it's massive amount of unoccupied land. But yea, let's just hope for the better I guess.


In a lighter note, it's Happy Birthday for Prince Charles.

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He's turning 60 today making him the oldest current heir to the throne. The question is, when will Queen Elizabeth finally realize that she's too old and soggy to rule the kingdom and pass the crown to her eldest son?

Still in the royal front, Bhutan had just recently crowned its new king. I dunno about you but Bhutan is some country that I would want to visit in the future. That's after I figure out where to get my resources for the trip.

I can't think of anything more to write for now, as u would notice with this crappy entry. But oh well, just for the sake of having something to post.

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