Maybe I'm just exaggerating a little but it sure feels like it. Last saturday, as I was slaving my way during pm shift a staff from Planet Fitness called me to spill the surprise of a lifetime that I availed myself of a 1-week full access of all the equipments and sessions at the gym free of charge. Neat, no? But ok, the oddest thing is (note that i am using the word odd and not creepy as i consider the latter a bit over the top), the guy I spoke with said that a gym member gave them my name so as for me to enjoy the privilege of pumping my way out of flabbiness. But wtf?! In the first place, i dunno any fucking one that goes to the gym and second, whoever said I needed any gym or DUMBels for that matter to tone my already... ehem... perfect physique? I mean seriously! And oh, the guy was Filipino. Hmmm, I smell something pishy here. But anyways, as I haven't lost my decency (not yet tho) I went on with the conversation and he was like setting me a session for today. The appointment was for me to go at the gym supposed to be at 3pm this afternoon. So I feigned to agree and we ended our conversation there. Btw, i asked him if he knwe the person who gave my name to them but he just said he only took my name from reception and he doesn't have any idea about who it was. Ok, so I really wanted to make sure if it was true, so I checked the gym's site online, and lo and behold, the number he used was actually the same as that of the gym. So I thought it's legit. Then monday came which is today. I was rudely awakened by a freakin 10am phone call by Mr. Filipino Guy, now with a name, Thomas, reinforming me of my session this afternoon. The interesting part is, he was using his personal number. And I was like, wtf is this? And I said yes I'll try to make it this afternoon but whole truth is I'm hesitating. So 3pm came and I finally decided not go as I thought it was just a ploy for him to rape me. Instead went to my sister's place and stayed there the whole time. And he called me twice using his handphone and twice using the gym's number. Now, it totally gave me the creeps, so I didn't pick-up. I only sent an SMS like half an hour after to tell him that I couldn't make it. And he replied back by saying he could reschedule me for tomorrow. I didn't return his msg and I'm pretty much sure that I am not going to the gym tomorrow or anytime. I'm not gonna risk it. Creepy.
Anyways I'm currently pretty much pissed bcoz up until now my company haven't upgraded me yet which translates to me not getting my increment. Yay me! I'm supposed to be enjoying the full benefits of my being an EN now or even 4 months ago but noooooooo! Those fucking people up there has too many asses to think about that they left me in the comforts of the skid row. They're so high on their fucking horses that they don't see the needs of their mere employees. As much as I would love to love my job, I just can't. The only string that keeps me from hanging is the promotion. And as soon as I get it, it's au revoir! I need money to feed my family, Ok?! I didn't come here all the way from the third world for charity.
So yea...

That's all.